Friday, 29 March 2013

Your girlies are forever.

'Friends are like a good bra...supportive, hard to find and ALWAYS close to your heart.'

The 'chicks before dicks' concept is one that I have always supported. Relationships will come and go but good friends are in it for the long haul, so get behind your girlies and make sure you have each other's backs because when you need them, they'll be there.

The night before valentine's day, my best friend spent hours cooking me a beetroot and goats cheese risotto in the shape of a heart just incase my boyfriend (who is not a fan of the wonderful day) didn't spoil me!

He actually did end up spoiling me whisking me off to a wonderful tapas bar in Norwich (where we both go to university) and treating me to a delicious meal with a very romantic shared pudding of a hot chocolate and warm churros.
It was the perfect valentine's day despite the fact that I had to limp home due to the huge amount of food that I had eaten!!!

BUT the night was so much better knowing that my best girly had my back and that if anything went wrong she would take me home and feed me leftover risotto and LOTS of galaxy.



  1. What is the beetroot risotto recipe? It looks delicious! xx

    1. I'm glad you like the look of it, I actually think it looks a bit scary, its crazily pink but it tastes incredible, my friend doesn't like beetroot and even she loved it!

      1 1/4 litres chicken or vegetable stock
      2 tbsp olive oil
      1/2 medium onion, finely chopped
      1 clove of garlic, finely chopped
      200g carnaroli or arborio rice
      1/2 small wine glass of dry white vermouth (or dry white wine)
      Salt and freshly ground black pepper
      250g cooked beetroot, coarsely grated (not the vinegary sort: use the vacuum-packed ready-cooked beetroot from the supermarket and keep the juice)
      A small handful of flat-leaf parsley, finely chopped
      2 tbsp butter
      150g soft white goat’s cheese
      A small handful of chives, chopped, to serve

      In a heavy pan, heat the oil and sweat the onion and garlic over a gentle heat until soft, but not coloured: this should take about 6 minutes.
      Add the rice, turn up the heat a little, and stir until well coated in the oil. Keep stirring. You want the rice to be hot, but not brown.
      When the rice starts to crackle slightly, throw in the vermouth and stir until the liquid has been absorbed.
      Now add a ladle of hot stock and continue to cook over a medium heat, stirring often, until the liquid is absorbed. Then add a second ladle of stock and again stir until absorbed. Season well with salt and pepper, then add a third quantity of stock and stir in.
      Next, add the beetroot and any juice, plus another ladle of stock. Stir as before. At this point, one more ladle of stock might well be all you need.
      Try a bit of the rice. You want it to be soft and creamy, but with a hint of bite (though not quite chalkiness) in the centre. If it’s still not quite there, keep adding stock, half a ladle at a time, until it reaches the right texture, but don’t let it turn into rice pudding.
      Once the rice is cooked, stir in the chopped parsley, butter and half the goat’s cheese. Cover the pan and leave for 3 minutes. Taste and season again if you think it needs it.
      To serve, spoon the risotto into bowls, blob some more goat’s cheese on top and scatter with chopped chives.

  2. I want a friend who makes me this! And a boyfriend who would treat me like that! You're so lucky!!!
